Here you'll find stuff like coloring books, zines, comics, and anything else I'd approximately describe as a book.
Zines: Animal Crosszine - Stay Fresh! - SAVE - ERASE
Coloring Books

Solo project
Format: PNG
Page count: 10
Available to download on Itchio
My fanmade coloring book featuring characters from Magician's Quest, aka Tongari Boushi.
Inspired by watching Janine Hawkins visit each entry in a yearly series of streams.

Format: PDF
Page count: 213
Available to download on Itchio
A biiiig DE fan community project that was really fun to contribute to! All of my pieces are lineart from finished illustrations I made previously.

Tumblr Archive
Format: PDF, physical
Page count: 77
Google Drive download
The first zine I ever participated in! My contribution is a bit rough from inexperience...
It ended up printing with horrible moire on the screentones... However!
I really enjoyed working on this and I got familiar with a lot of cool artists through it!
I just had to make a little comic about K.K. Slider.

Tumblr Archive
Format: PDF, physical
Page count: 64
Currently unavailable
When Splatoon first hit, I got so obsessed. So when I saw the chance to join this fashion-themed zine, I couldn't pass it up. I did my 2-page piece like a faux interview with a fashion designer in a scrappy punk magazine. The print is deliberately misaligned to give it a messier feel.

Tumblr Archive
Format: PDF
Page count: 35
Available to download on Gumroad
Once again, another video game that I got obsessed with! I got to play Undertale completely unspoiled and it hit me like a load of bricks. I tried my hand at doing a digitally painted piece inspired by my favorite scene.

Tumblr Archive
Format: PDF
Page count: 39
Available to download on Gumroad
...and, of course, for the Erase zine, I had to make its alternate for the no mercy route.
I think the two make a good combo.
More to come later!