Fruit Punch!

Old Web Graphics

A collection of various old web graphics! Sources vary and I don't always know proper attribution. I try not to modify any images or change filenames. Some images may be resized with HTML/CSS to fit better on the page or have a clickable preview.

Recognize something? Have questions? See my Archive Policy here.
Salvaged via Gifcities, 99gifshop, Files Found, and others.


What are kaoani? They're little blobby emoticons, usually available in sets, common on the web in the late 90's and early 2000's. You would often see them on forums and LiveJournal, as well as many other places. It's fun to pick out a set that represents you. You can find more here.
My partner and I are working on constructing a Kaoani database here! (They did most of the work!)

Umbrella kaoani gives a kiss. Umbrella kaoani smiles and waves. Umbrella kaoani looks really excited and waves quickly. Umbrella kaoani gives a thumbs-up and says Good! Umbrella kaoani looks unimpressed and glances to the side. Umbrella kaoani looks hopeful with big shiny eyes. Umbrella kaoani is dizzy with swirly eyes. Umbrella kaoani has hearts for eyes. Umbrella kaoani cries. Umbrella kaoani talks happily, eyes closed as they smile.
Umbrella kaoani smirks with closed eyes. Umbrella kaoani seems relaxed while talking with their eyes closed. Umbrella kaoani chats with a relaxed, happy expression. Umbrella kaoani is angry. Umbrella kaoani presses their hands together and closes their eyes, then opens their hands and smiles. Umbrella kaoani looks shocked. Umbrella kaoani nods in agreement. Umbrella kaoani claps their hands. Umbrella kaoani winks. Umbrella kaoani throws a tantrum.
A green kaoani waves a glowstick around. A pink kaoani is DJing. A plain kaoani dancing to music on a stereo. A bunch of kaoani riding a bus. A plain kaoani wearing an orange fruit hat. A plain kaoani wearing an apple fruit hat. A kaoani wearing a strawberry costume. Hello Kitty kaoani holding a strawberry.
Angelic kaoani shooting hoops. Angelic kaoani ready for tennis. Angelic kaoani does a peace sign Angelic kaoani makes a flower appear Angelic kaoani rides a gokart Angelic kaoani looks sick Angelic kaoani paces back and forth while talking Angelic kaoani sleeps on a crescent moon Angelic kaoani writes a letter
A slightly scruffy blue kaoani with a magic wand Anxious blue kitty kaoani shakes its head Excited blue kitty kaoani cheers White kaoani looks nervous with heart bubbles White kaoani is very excited Onion kaoani
A bunch of kaoani throwing a party.