Fruit Punch!

About Fruit Punch!

Content Warnings

The short version is that this site is basically "PG-13".

While it is early in development, overall you can expect harsh language, discussion of adult topics, and probably some occasional political opinions. I intend to keep the overall tone of this website light and amicable, because I want to be social and somewhat professional, but I am nonetheless a queer adult artist in their mid-30s who hopes for the destruction of capitalism every day and I don't really intend to censor myself there.

With regard to images, while I currently have no plans to post anything explicit, anything would be posted with a warning/censor prefacing it. Mildly suggestive content or mild violent imagery will be left uncensored.

Any external links with NSFW content will be marked as such. Be aware that any archives may contain adult content. It isn't uncommon to browse Wayback Machine and find a timestamp where a website's URL redirects to a porn site. Many image archives may also include graphic images in their library.

Who made this?

This site's content is provided by Kokoronis! The base site was built by my partner Birdrobot and I added additional (probably way messier) code on top! The basic site design was a collaborative effort.

How'd you make it?

All of the site was built using Notepad++! It's been a big help for me as a novice. I have no idea how to use most of its features, but even approaching it as a total newbie, it's been great for helping me keep track of what I've written and notice errors as I go. It really makes looking at a wall of code a lot easier.

I also cannot overstate how much W3Schools has helped. Before building this site, I had only very basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. I think the way I learn coding best is just by jumping right into things and figuring it out as I go. Being able to jump around their encyclopedia and try out their sample codes has been a huge help.

Why make a website now?

Honestly, there's a multitude of reasons. First, I'm tired of corporations having control over the internet. This is our space. I'm tired of advertisements, algorithms, of technology that puts profit over all else, of being censored for being too queer, and, perhaps most importantly, every social media website making pixel art look like complete garbage.

Second, I've been really appreciating Neocities and the community's enthusiasm for bringing back personal websites. Fansites for stuff like Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon were a huge part of my childhood. There are so many fun features that are missing from today's websites, like little browser games and toys, adoptables, webcomics that weren't exclusively designed for vertical scrolling, quizzes, and other kinds of shareables.

The final of the biggest reasons is that I wanna enjoy making stuff. For the past decade or so I've had to focus more of my art efforts on trying to gather an audience and pay my bills. I hate what it's done to my relationship with art. Like, I love doing commissioned work, because I get to try out a lot of different things and learn to draw new stuff... but when you spend years doing more of that than engaging in any of your own ideas, you can start feeling like the things you make aren't even yours. I want to tell stories and make art and I wanna share it with people. And I hope I can maybe make something that means more than I know to somebody out there.

Where'd you get these old graphics?

A combination of browsing the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine and Gifcities, visiting old sites I used to frequent, exploring other people's archiving efforts such as this Webcore archive and 99 Gif Shop, and just collecting various things over the years.

Content Policies

Policies will vary from section to section of the site. Here's a few key things to note...

ARCHIVE ATTRIBUTION: I would love to hear from you if you know where I can attribute an unsourced image I've archived! I really enjoy searching for attribution, but it can be really tricky when things get passed around for decades and the original sites are gone. I plan on making a specific e-mail inbox for this in the future, but for now, my contact info is available here. Additional information about my archiving can be found here.

BORROWING CODE: Please feel free to borrow from my code if it helps you making your own website! All I ask is for the following considerations:

  • A link back to the site in something like a credits section
  • I would prefer you do not use my original site graphics (such as the banner) for your site. Check out the For You section for stuff you can use!
  • Do not use my materials in the creation of material that promotes racism, fascism, homophobia, transphobia, or other harmful beliefs.

GALLERY: I reserve the intellectual property rights of all material displayed in these sections. Please provide credit and a link back to the website for any reposts. If you have any questions for use cases, please don't be afraid to ask!


Thank you for reading, and please feel free to contact me about any questions you might have!
