Archive Policy
Note: This page is subject to change. Feedback appreciated!
Here's the basics: all of my archiving is done with the intent to love and appreciate the things that people make, no matter their imperfections or skill level. I truly feel that there is an inherent beauty and wonder to any earnest, whole-hearted act of creation. During my life as an artist, I've made many pieces that are flawed, amateur, and sometimes offensive. These mistakes are part of my journey, just as they are with anyone else.
I began using the internet at entirely too young of an age, and as such, a lot of formative experiences for me were born in online communities, fan sites, or otherwise against some kind of prominent backdrop of developing technology. Many of those places, creations, and friends are lost to time and circumstance. Not every experience was kind to me, but I was fortunate in many ways.
I recognize that sometimes, creators may not want their work available publicly for any myriad of reasons. I intend to create an email inbox at a later point for site inquiries and takedown requests. For now, my contact info is available here. It's okay if you don't want to explain why, and I won't expect you to jump through hoops to prove you're the creator. I think if the request is made in good faith, it'll be evident in your message. For transparency's sake, I may keep a private backup in case of errors, but it will not be distributed.
Thank you for your understanding, and thank you if you read all that!